domingo, 24 de janeiro de 2010

Transparency in online education - my point of view

From my point of view we just have to gain in being a transparent learner.

When we put our work, our doubts, our suggestions in a transparent way, in blogs, twitter and other social networking sites, we have two roles: student and teacher.

First, we can learn and evolve through feedback and criticism from others and, second, we transmit knowledge by sharing our ideas and thoughts. Thus, social networking sites have pedagogical potential.

By exposing our work, thoughts, ideas, ... requires us to be more careful with our contributions, and thus transparency promotes quality.

Also personal presentations enable transparency and cooperation, in the sense that by showing our personal side (within the limits set by us) we allow others to be more available to cooperate.

But transparency can also be seen from the perspective of the institution and is important that a student can access to the results and feedback in order to make informed decisions about his education.

It is therefore important that all the pillars of online education: institution, students and teachers collaborate in order to build learning as transparent as possible.

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